
If you are looking for a custom home, Colorado Springs, gallery of photos or videos or virtual tours, you have come to the right place. Many of our customers when they begin the search for their new home, they are looking for inspiration from pictures of the most popular trends and styles in the marketplace. That is why we have always strive to create some of the most beautiful homes in the springs for our photographers to work, their magic con. a gallery of pictures and videos and virtual tours is very helpful. In today’s modern new home shopping experience. Most customers are looking for a home from the convenience of the screen of their smart phone. It’s not like the old days where people would look at some thing in a magazine from the multiple listing service, or have to go meet directly with a builder and look at Polaroid photos of a home. In today’s modern world, the expectation of most of the consumers is that they would be able to look at many different photos and videos in virtual tours, online from the comfort of their own home. Statistics show that most people look at a gallery on a builders website or on in a real estate website in the evening hours after dinner before they go to bed. This means that you are likely sitting in the comfort of your own home, potentially even in your pajamas after you’ve Put your children to bed and are looking at our gallery right now.

When we take photos and videos and virtual tours of Custom Homes Colorado Springs, we are very aware of needing to take those pictures for example, from every possible angle to provide a customer with the best possible experience of our home. It can be difficult to understand what the layout of a home is without a great set of photos to look through. We typically set up our photo shoots to have many different angles and perspectives of the exterior of our home starting with the front elevation first and then working our way around the side, elevations, and eventually to the rear elevation of the home. With modern technology it has become very common place that customers expect to see a few drone. Photos of the home as well. That Birdseye view of a home is very important for a customer to be able to see it and experience the home in a way that gives them that perspective of the elevation. With regards to the video that we shoot on our homes, we try to make videos that really do a great job of demonstrating the details of the finishes and features that we put in our homes as well as the foreman function of the design layout that makes good architecture turn into a great living situation for our homeowners. We often will show off features such as the appliances, the lighting, the plumbing features, the master bedroom and master bedroom, as well as the kitchen, and all of its details and its fullness. We know that our customers want to be able to see all of those details typically in a couple of different ways. That is why we will often take video showing the entire room then a midway shot that’s a little bit closer up and eventually a fine close-up detail of each one of those finishes for the customer to be able to see them and really get a great feel for what those finishes are.

As a builder of Custom Homes Colorado Springs, we also strive to create virtual tours of all of the most popular award-winning plans that we design and build for our customers to see. There are so many different ways to experience a home in the modern day, with all of the great advancements in technology, but most of them, pale in comparison to the technology of a three dimensional virtual tour. Most people want to be able to walk through a home to really experience the space but because you may be relocating from another city or another state, or sometimes even another country, you may not have the convenience of being able to walk through the home in person. This is why the new technology of a virtual tour is so good to use. We have many customers who not only view them on their smart phones, which is super convenient and easy to do from just about anywhere on earth, but we also have customers who like to then pull up a virtual tour from their computer screen, or their laptop as well as from a television.

With today’s smart TV technology it’s very easy to pull up a virtual tour on a big screen TV, and experienced the home as if you were actually physically in the space. This is what Technology has done to really transform the home shopping experience for the average consumer. You could potentially be sitting in Germany and walking through a home in Colorado Springs as if you were actually there. There are a lot of great little technical details that we can point out in our virtual tours so that you can quickly move back-and-forth between the first floor and the second floor or even the basement in our virtual tours so that you can see all of the spaces that you want an easy convenience.

As a Custom Homes Colorado Springs builder, we are constantly looking for all the best ways to demonstrate our home to our customers. If you are looking to check out more about us, please visit our gallery and see all of the great details and finishes and floorplans and all of their glory right here on our website. If you have trouble using any of the gallery, please feel free to reach out to us through your phone or text or email anytime. We would be happy to walk you through our gallery and make sure that it all is working well for you. Not every age bracket finds it easy to experience our gallery so we understand that technology can be tough for some people. We strive to make it a great experience no matter what your ability to work our technology is so please give us a call today and will be glad to help you.